Environmental Stewardship
We the residents of the Village of Old Field posses the responsibility to protect and nurture the land, air and waters surrounding our community. It is up to us, as individuals, to be sensitive to our environment and take steps to ensure we are not leaving behind long lasting detrimental impacts to our home.
Stormwater Management
Stormwater is produced every time rain or snow is not absorbed directly into the soil. Stormwater can pick up oils, litter, sediments, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and pathogens as it travels across roads, buildings, dumpsters, lawns, and parking lots. If this stormwater flows into lakes, streams, and bays, it can be a major source of water pollution. It is estimated that 70 percent of the water pollution in the United States comes from stormwater and other indirect discharges that are collectively called “nonpoint” sources.

In 1972, the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) was adopted to improve the quality of our Nation’s waters. The Act sought to accomplish this by minimizing and eliminating what are commonly referred to as “point sources” of pollution, sources of pollution that originate from a pipe or other specific point of discharge. The Clean Water Act was amended in 1987 to target the non-point sources of pollution. Under Phase I of this effort, which began in 1990, municipalities having a population greater than 100,000 people were required to implement programs and projects that would reduce non-point pollution. In 2003 this requirement was extended to almost all other municipalities including the Village of Old Field under what is commonly referred to as “Phase II”.

In New York, Phase II requires that all regulated municipalities obtain a permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the discharge of stormwater runoff into their surface waters. As a condition of this permit, regulated municipalities must develop and implement a comprehensive stormwater management program that includes mandated programs and practices in the following six categories:

  • Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts
  • Public participation/involvement
  • Illicit discharge detection and elimination
  • Construction site stormwater runoff control
  • Post-construction stormwater management in new development/redevelopment
  • Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations

Old Field’s Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been established to improve coastal water quality and to comply with new regulations from NYSDEC and USEPA. Many waterbodies adjacent to Old Field are designated as impaired due to excessive levels of nutrients, pathogens and some contaminants. A variety of measures in the Village’s SWMP will reduce loading of these constituents either by reducing sources or mitigating against their runoff into coastal waters. SWMP measures being implemented range from public education and participation to extensive refinement of runoff protection within the Site Plan process, as well as ongoing efforts to detect and eliminate spills. Storm water management has become a primary focus of regulatory agencies who, in turn, rely on municipalities and residents to decrease loadings so our waters can attain their full uses we all benefit from. Participants, such as residents and municipal officials, will find an expanding body of policy, permits, guidelines and infomrative literature at Village Hall.

Annual Reports

Stormwater Publications

The Port Jefferson Harbor Complex and Long Island Sound are designated as No Discharge Zones; therefore, overboard discharge of boat sewage into these waters is prohibited. Learn more about No Discharge Zones and boat sewage pump-out facilities available in the Port Jefferson Harbor Complex.
This short brochure provides tips on a wide variety of ways to prevent stormwater pollution.
Animal waste in stormwater runoff is one source of pathogens in Conscience Bay and the greater Port Jefferson Harbor Complex. Learn about the affects of animal waste on water quality and ways to keep animal waste from entering our waterways.
Pathogens are viruses, bacteria, algae, and protozoans that cause diseases in humans, other animals or plants. As a result of pathogens from polluted stormwater runoff, Conscience Bay is listed as an Impaired Waterbody on the NYSDEC’s Section 303(d) list.
Waterfowl are wild birds that can locate natural food sources throughout the year. Learn about why supplemental feeding by people is unnecessary and potentially harmful to waterfowl.

Stormwater Around the Home

Landscaping and garden maintenance can be major sources of storm water pollution. Learn about tips on landscaping, lawn & garden maintenance, and alternatives to pesticides to reduce stormwater pollution from these activities.
Native plants are adapted to the local climate, soils, and insects; therefore, they require little or no additional fertilizers, pesticides, or irrigation. Learn about which trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, flowers, and ferns are native to Long Island.
All homes in Old Field are connected to on-site septic systems (septic tank and/or cesspools) rather than the sanitary sewer system. When nitrogen, phosphorous, and pathogens are discharged from septic systems into groundwater, they represent non-point sources of pollution into our waterbodies. Learn more about the impacts of septic system on the environment and how to properly care for your septic system.
Due to high chlorine levels in swimming pools, draining swimming pools can cause fish kills and other harmful environmental impacts. Learn about how to properly discharge swimming pool water from this NYSDEC publication.
Salt and sand have traditionally been perceived as the cheapest and most effective materials for de-icing driving and walking surfaces. Learn about the hidden impacts that can detract from their overall effectiveness and how to choose the right ice melting product.

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

2 page NYSDEC brochure on disposal of waste automotive products (i.e., oil, antifreeze).
2 page NYSDEC brochure on disposal of household cleaning products.
17 page NYSDEC guide on disposal of household hazardous waste.
2 page NYSDEC brochure on pesticide disposal.
3 page NYSDEC brochure on disposal of latex, oil based, and aerosol paint.
2 page NYSDEC brochure on solvent disposal (paint removers, degreasers).

Trash & Recycle

Info on recycling and hauling


Local utility provider contacts

Public Safety

Public Safety & Form resources

Building & Site Plans

Info before build or clear

Neighborhood Associations

Environmental Stewardship

Other Governments

Government officials, services

Lost & Found

Contact on Lost and Found


Some Important Forms