The Old Field Village Hall may be one of the most unique in the United States: situated in a majestic lighthouse built in 1868 with breathtaking vistas of Long Island Sound and Connecticut. The full history of the lighthouse can be found under “Our History” on this website.
In 1935 the lighthouse property was conveyed to the Village of Old Field for “public park” purposes. However, after Pearl Harbor and the American entry into World War II, the federal government seized the property for purposes of national defense. A small Coast Guard contingent occupied Old Field Point. Following the end of the war, the lighthouse was returned to the Village of Old Field. As a result, the Village of Old Field remains responsible for insuring the ongoing physical and historical integrity and beauty of the Lighthouse.
As part of its stewardship responsibilities, the Village commissioned a survey from a team of architects who produced a report with meticulous evaluations and proposed budgets for maintenance and upkeep. The report, and subsequent follow-ups, revealed the need for a major project to restore and renovate the building. The Village is moving forward, in an expeditious manner, to meet its obligations.
However, the costs of the needed work is substantial and beyond the capacity of the Village to fully fund out of its annual budget. To that end, the Village has and will continue to pursue three sources of funding: (1) Village of Old Field tax revenue (including the possible issuance of a fifteen-year bond); (2) governmental and private grants; and (3) charitable contributions. A complete description of these initiatives can be found by clicking on “Financial Plan to Save The Lighthouse” at the bottom of this page.
In 2018, members of the Old Field community created the Lighthouse Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, designed to raise funds to “rebuild, make capital improvements to, operate and maintain the Old Field Lighthouse.” Recently, the Foundation has advised the Village that it has decided to shift its focus from raising funds for the Lighthouse renovation to financing ongoing and future maintenance projects undertaken by the Village government. The Foundation has further advised the Village that it will be establishing a website in the near future.
As a result of the Lighthouse Foundation’s shift in focus, the Village Board of Trustees recognizes the need to pursue other avenues of fundraising for the Lighthouse renovation including the possible creation of an additional not-for-profit organization. We invite all residents to become involved in the effort to restore and preserve our precious lighthouse for the generations to come. In the coming months, residents are encouraged to periodically visit this page to learn of opportunities to participate in fund raising activities.
The Village looks forward to that day, hopefully not far off, when we can celebrate the rebirth of our Lighthouse!
Mayor’s Desk
Tom Gulbransen
Resolutions define a place as a village.
Relationships among neighbors create community.
Resources preserved for those who come after us become our heritage.
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